You might find this discussion both interesting and informative on the issue.


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I get that, Marjorie. Christian nationalism is not something that evangelicals warm up to easily. Lot of bad history for us!

I got introduced to these guys on the issue of eschatology; they are some form of "partial preterist" (post-millialism) - which is another thing I've converted to in recent months. that was a big hurdle also, after 40 years of assuming we had only a choice of 3 versions of pre-mil.

Take your time and happy to dialogue.

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Hi Marjorie,

I agree with all of your concerns, and you are as well as informed on what Christian Nationalism is as many of us. I think we need to dig deeper - even more than what the respectable Christianity Today has done - whose editorial position is similar to yours. Are we not aware there are many conservative politicians who are just opportunists seeking to galvanize evangelical support? And many ingenuine Christians amongst evangelicals? This is the face that the media loves to publicize, because it's so outrageously immoral and unchristian.

I also wonder what is your unique perspective as an Evangelical? There is nothing that you have written that differs from the non-evangelical Christian channels in Substack. I don't read those articles anymore because it doesn't even differ from any moralistic secular liberal.

I've recently come across Christian Nationalism readings that agree with our concerns, which has both surprised me and opened my eyes a little. Here is the conclusion I've come to: the liberal democratic ideal has failed. It is now antagonistic towards the Christian faith - which seeks to annihilate it. Will it make everyone celebrate anti-Christian values in their hearts? No, but it will facilitate everyone in society to do so. Is this the kind of society that is best?

You wrote about the mandate for Christians do their best to love all people and serve their society. From my current readings, this is the actually the main point of Christian Nationalism - not to make cookie-cutter Christians of us all. Why not create laws that will best serve society with the knowledge of who God made us to be? This will be good for everyone, and you don't have to be a believer to enjoy them. And, by the way, Christian Nationalism has worked extremely well in many countries over the centuries, especially in Europe; take a look at Armenian Christian Nationalism, for example. Now take a look at the Enlightenment Project that has lasted barely two centuries. You are seeing its last days, no matter what it turns into. The project has failed.

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